

Not many things garner a bigger reputation with more uncertainty than migraines. Patients worldwide get misleading information that their bad headache is a migraine with no obvious treatment or help other than bearing with it until it goes away later. Interestingly enough, there are at least 100 types of headaches defined by the International Headache Society, so not every severe headache is a migraine!

A migraine usually is a throbbing headache that occurs on one or both sides of the head. The headache typically is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite. Migraines can be triggered by certain activities, foods, smells or emotions. Some people are more likely to experience migraines when they are under stress, while others develop migraines when stress is relieved (for example, the day after exams or an important meeting).

Patients have resorted to all types of treatment for migraines including and not limited to medications like opioid painkillers and over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen (Advil). While these may be temporarily effective, they often cause a rebound headache or a worsening of the headache after the medication wears off. But, treatments like manipulation and therapy exercises are effective for controlling symptoms of migraines and reducing their frequency.

A study was performed at the Chiropractic Research Center of Macquarie University that proved that spinal manipulation does in fact help migraines. One hundred seventy seven volunteers who had migraines for more than 18 years on average were used for the study. The volunteers who received spinal manipulation showed a statistically significant improvement in migraine frequency, duration and disability. Those who received manipulation were also able to considerably reduce the amount of medication they were taking, some eliminating the use of medication altogether.

Kaizo Health has been effectively treating and managing migraines for over 20 years. For more on headaches, especially the most common headache, check the Cervicogenic/Tension Type Headache page.

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