Proprioception: Getting to Know Your Body’s Natural GPS

Proprioception: Getting to Know Your Body’s Natural GPS

Are you tired of hearing the phrase “Work-life balance?”

Well, that’s probably because balance in your work and personal life is easier said than done. Juggling work deadlines, your family, and that social calendar can leave you feeling like you’re spinning with no end in sight.

On the other side of things, your wellness, balance, and more literally so, there’s proprioception. That’s the body’s sense of self-movement, its position in any given space. This is essentially your body’s built-in GPS, letting you know where your body parts are and how they’re moving, even with your eyes closed. This sense is what keeps you balanced (literally) and coordinated so you can move smoothly and safely throughout your day.

How chiropractic care can help improve proprioception

Sensors in your muscles and joints are constantly sending signals to your brain, alerting it about your body’s position. The brain then uses that data to adjust movements as needed and, on the fly, it’s kind of like when you catch yourself quickly from slipping. It’s a built-in failsafe. 

Training and improving your sense of proprioception is just as important as working on your biceps or getting adjusted to keep your spine healthy. This can benefit anyone from athletes looking to perform better for those suffering injuries and looking to prevent future ones. 

Now how does this tie into “work-life balance”? It doesn’t, it’s just wordplay, but jokes aside, prioritizing your health is a great FIRST step when trying to obtain a good balance between meetings, deadlines, and errands. If we don’t then our health takes a hit, and a vicious cycle of excuses like “I’m too tired” or “I just don’t have the time” starts.

By visiting your chiropractor for regular adjustments and rehab exercises as needed, you can start maintaining wellness and decrease the likelihood of future injuries or other musculoskeletal issues. 

Proprioception: What It Is, Disorders, and Exercises

Here are some exercises to help with balance:

  • Balance challenges: Try standing on one leg or closing your eyes while brushing your teeth (but be careful!). You can also use a wobble board or a squishy exercise ball to make things more interesting. (check out Bosu Balls on Amazon)
  • Footwork drills: Hop through a jump rope ladder, weave around cones, or do some fancy footwork drills – anything that gets your feet moving in different directions will help your brain keep track of them.
  • Strength training with a twist: Squatting on a pillow or doing lunges with your eyes closed adds an extra challenge to your workout and helps your body work on its balance at the same time.

Additionally, chiropractic care also plays a role in improving proprioception. 

As Chiropractors, we focus on keeping your spine aligned, which can influence how your nervous system works. The idea is that by adjusting your spine and joints, we can help restore normal function and improve the signals your body sends to your brain about your position. Additionally, chiropractic care often involves massage and exercises that can improve flexibility and how your muscles work, which might also play a role in proprioception.

Research on how it affects proprioception is still ongoing. It’s always best to chat with your doctor or a physical therapist to see if it’s right for you, especially if you’re recovering from an injury.

Adding these exercises alongside regular chiropractic care to your routine can help you sharpen your body’s sense of awareness. This means better balance, fewer falls, and maybe even taking your athletic skills to the next level! And in turn, you’ll start to feel better both mentally and physically, and get one step closer to setting the right boundaries and obtaining a good work-life balance.

Ready to find your balance? Schedule a consultation  with our team today and discover personalized solutions for your unique needs. 

Visit one of our four convenient locations for expert chiropractic care.

Fort Washington, Maryland 

Fairfax, Virginia

Rockville, Maryland

Landover, Maryland